Browary Warszawskie L’OREAL, 62 Grzybowska Street
The scope of work:
HVAC installation
Air conditioning of the server room
Browary Warszawskie is an investment of Echo Investment company, which is built on the plot between Grzybowska, Wronia, Chłodna and Krochmalna streets. The complex will consist of five residential buildings, four office buildings, as well as public squares with places for rest and recreation. Additionally, the project includes cafes, restaurants and shops with a total area of over 8 000 square meters. L’Oréal Polska, has been opearting Warsaw’s Annopol for 20 years. L’Oréal Polska relocated its legal address to the office building, which was created as a part of the Browary Warszawskie project. The renter’s employees will have nearly 7 000 square meters of office space at their disposal.