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How to create a good atmosphere… in the workplace?

Good vibes are very close to us, but this time let’s look at it in a completely different way, taking up the topic of building a good atmosphere in the workplace. Why is it worth taking care of? What should we keep in mind? We have a few tips on what to pay attention to when creating a friendly workplace.

Every employer who wants to develop their company is aware of the fact that building a positive atmosphere at work is crucial. A friendly aura in the company and openness to an employee, his ideas or needs significantly influence on the effectiveness and commitment of the team.

Why is a friendly atmosphere at work so important?

Employees, who were asked about their willingness to change jobs, most often indicate the financial factor, however, on the next place is the need for development and… an unfavorable atmosphere at work. We are more eager to perform our duties and easier engage in the tasks realization when we know that our employer trusts and supports us. We feel more motivated to work and we manage our time better having a sense of shared responsibility for the success of the company. All this affects the lower turnover of employees in a given company – people who don’t feel stressed before coming to work, who know that they can talk openly about existing problems or show interesting solutions, don’t need to look for another employer. We can count on their loyalty, but also on greater commitment in the event of a possible crisis.

Some tips how to create a good atmosphere in the team

No unhealthy competition, reduction of stress, open communication, kindness and cooperation are some of the elements that make up a friendly atmosphere in the company. What else should we pay attention to so that employees would eagerly engage in their duties and recommend us as a good place to work?

  1. Appreciate
    A very important element in building a friendly atmosphere in the company is appreciating the achievements of employees. There is nothing more demotivating than the lack of any reaction from the superiors to the winning of an important tender, signing a contract with a client we have fought for for a long time or even a good idea that optimized the work in the team. It is the employees who have the greatest influence on whether the company will be successful or will just chase the competition. A great sign of recognition and respect for our competences and skills are congratulations from the boss or colleagues.
  2. Take care of integration
    We spend a large part of our lives at work – so it would be nice to feel good in the company of our colleagues. That is why integration outside work is so important. It allows us to get to know each other and better understand the other person. From time to time, it is worth organizing a bowling night or a company retreat, which can also be combined with a training. This helps in building free communication and a healthy atmosphere while performing professional duties.
  3. Treat fairly
    Each employee should feel that he or she is treated and assessed fairly – regardless of gender or scope of duties. He should know the promotion and reward criteria, which must be clear and transparent.
  4. Talk
    Create an atmosphere in which employees aren’t afraid to ask questions and look for the answers for both easy and more difficult topics. Ask and, what is more important, listen – people who work in a given career field can give you many valuable tips that may eventually influence on development of your business.
  5. Avoid conflicts
    Even in the best cooperating teams there are misunderstandings and conflict situations – that is why it is important to try to spot them and explain them before they flare up. The crucial role here plays the superior who should support open communication and encourage to discuss and criticize only in a constructive way.

AC Group also cares about a good atmosphere

As a conscious employer, it is our goal to make people employed in our team feel good with us. We start this process at the recruitment stage, checking whether a given person finds his or her place in our company. We have developed the exact scope of diuties for each workstation. It gives employees more freedom in making decisions, and consequently, improves the work of the entire company. What is more, we focus on employees’ self-development by investing in improvement of their qualifications. We also make sure that they like to come to the office. We know that the workplace should be comfortable and that not only the arrangement of space or ergonomics, but also aesthetics is relevant.